Frequent Illnesses
Most frequently reported illnesses are fever, diarrhea, bronchitis and RTI . Other regulalry reported illnesses include UTI, hypertension, Eczema / Vitiligo, Bleeding gums, grossly decayed teeth, leucoria (white discharge), dismanorea (pain during menstruation), metraghea (irregular menstruation), hair loss and scabies. An abnormally high number of patients were detected with jaundice leading to many serum blomium tests in the laboratory. Other frequent tests carried out are: ASO, CRP for skin; GT to determine pregnancy; HCG for hormones and HBB to check for hemoglobin.
The project has seen active participation of the local community in not only mobilising people of the district to take part in the programme but also in providing voluntary labour and services in running the centre. The Centre is the only quality medical facility for 20 surrounding villages.